RRV Scholarship Program
CRFPD - Locke Scholarship Program

In exchange for their volunteer service the Corvallis Rural Fire Protection District provides each RRV the opportunity to qualify for a scholarship of $230 per credit hour up to a limit of 18 credits per quarter or $306.68 per credit hour up to a limit of 18 credits per semester. Scholarships are meant to encourage professional and academic development of the RRV firefighter. Certain criteria must be met, including passing grades in each subject and good standing in the CFD volunteer program.
You may donate to the Locke Scholarship Fund. Please make your check out to the "Corvallis Rural Fire Protection District" and send it to:
Corvallis RFPD
Attn: Locke Scholarship Fund
544 NW Lewisburg Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97330